
Development Services for Enterprise

Invest in a strategic advantage that drives innovation, enhances user experience, and accelerates your business growth with QuickPose. 

Let us help you turn your vision into reality with bespoke AI solutions designed to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re looking to enhance your current offerings or pioneer new solutions, our expertise ensures that your enterprise not only adapts but thrives in an AI-driven future.

Services we offer

Strategic AI Pose Estimation Consulting

Leverage our expertise in Pose Estimation. We provide tailored guidance to seamlessly integrate advanced technology into your enterprise, driving innovation and maintaining privacy of your users.

PoC and MVP Development

We work with you to craft Proof of Concepts to validate the effectiveness of your solutions in your existing offering. From there, we develop MVPs that enable real-world testing, iterative improvements, and rapid deployment.

Custom AI Development

Deploy the best pose estimation technology in the market to create tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. QuickPose delivers cutting-edge AI models that integrate seamlessly into your operations and across platforms.
Image shows a man doing physiotherapy exercises, with pose estimation landmarks on his arms and shoulders measuring Range of Motion using AI.
Image shows an injured knee, with MediaPipe landmarks. QuickPose shows calculated Range of Motion which are uneven between right and left knee.

What is the process to work with QuickPose?

Step 1 - Book a Consultation

When you book an initial consultation with us, you will be directed to a form where you can add details about your project.

Our team will assess your project case and reach out to book a time for a video call.

Step 2 - Consultation

In our consultation meetings, we will discuss your project scope and match with the best technology that fits your objectives. This part may have several follow ups before we get to the offer stage. NDAs can be signed at this point in the process.

Step 3 - Offer

QuickPose will send you an offer that includes the project scope, deliverables and timelines as discussed in the consultation period.

Step 4 - Development

Based on our Product Roadmap, development begins with regular check-ins depending on the complexity of the project.

Yoga triangle pose, image shows a yogi doing a yoga pose with Artificial intelligence pose estimation overlay on mediapipe landmarks. The Landmarks are labelled for MediaPipe for Yoga

Need help building an AI project?

At QuickPose, our mission is to build smart Pose Estimation Solutions that elevate your product. Schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

QuickPose’s technology is ideal for industries such as healthcare, fitness, manufacturing, retail, and more, where real-time body movement analysis can enhance services and operations. 

We prioritise data security by implementing robust encryption protocols, secure data storage, and compliance with industry standards, ensuring that your enterprise data is protected at every stage.

The timeline varies based on the complexity of the project, but we typically move from Proof of Concept (PoC) to Minimum Viable Product (MVP) within a few months, ensuring a swift and efficient deployment process. Timelines are discussed during the consultation period. 

Yes, our team specialises in seamlessly integrating pose estimation solutions into your existing infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and enhancing your current operations. 

We provide ongoing support and maintenance, including regular updates, troubleshooting, and performance optimisation, to ensure your pose estimation solution continues to meet your company’s needs.

Our solutions are designed with scalability in mind, allowing your pose estimation technology to grow alongside your business, whether you’re expanding services or increasing user capacity.

QuickPose combines deep expertise in AI-driven pose estimation with a focus on cost-effective, tailored solutions. Our commitment to innovation and customer-centric development ensures that you receive a solution that is both cutting-edge and perfectly aligned with your enterprise goals.

We take a collaborative approach to custom AI model development, working closely with your team to understand your unique requirements and crafting models that are precisely tuned to deliver the results you need.

While costs can vary based on project scope, QuickPose focuses on delivering high-value solutions that offer a strong return on investment. We work with you to ensure that your project stays within budget without compromising on quality.

Absolutely. We provide comprehensive training and resources to ensure your team can effectively use and manage the new pose estimation technology, maximising its impact on your enterprise.