
Development Services for Startups

Transform Your Vision into Reality

At QuickPose, we understand the unique challenges that startups face when bringing innovative ideas to market. Our development services are specifically designed for founders and product managers who are eager to create and launch cutting-edge pose estimation apps quickly and efficiently.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to pilot a new product, our tailored solutions ensure that you can validate your concept, impress investors, and enter the market with confidence. Let us help you turn your vision into a successful, market-ready product.

Services we offer

Efficient & Economical MVP Development

Partner with QuickPose to create a well-crafted Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that balances cost-efficiency and time-effectiveness. We specialize in delivering high-quality, functional MVPs swiftly, allowing you to test your concept in the market without delay.

Custom Pose Estimation Features

Our team can integrate out-of-the-box pose estimation features into your existing app or build custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need real-time analysis, gesture recognition, or advanced motion tracking, we've got you covered.

Investor-Ready Demonstrations

Showcase your innovation with confidence. We help you build a robust pose estimation MVP that is ready for investor presentations, complete with the key functionalities that highlight the potential of your technology.
Image shows a man doing sit ups, with MediaPipe landmarks on his joints, detected using AI.
Image shows a man doing physiotherapy exercises, with pose estimation landmarks on his arms and shoulders measuring Range of Motion using AI.
Image shows an injured knee, with MediaPipe landmarks. QuickPose shows calculated Range of Motion which are uneven between right and left knee.

What is the MVP Development Process?

Step 1 - Book a Consultation

When you book a free consultation with us, you will be directed to a form where you can add details about your project.

Step 2 - Consultation

In our consultation meetings, we will discuss your project scope and match with the best technology that fits your objectives. We will discuss pricing and the Product Roadmap.

Step 3 - Offer

We will send you an offer of the work to be done, timelines and pricing.

Step 4 - Development

Based on our Product Roadmap, development begins with regular check-ins depending on the complexity of the project.

Yoga triangle pose, image shows a yogi doing a yoga pose with Artificial intelligence pose estimation overlay on mediapipe landmarks. The Landmarks are labelled for MediaPipe for Yoga

MVP Development Pricing

Basic MVP

New iOS App
$ 11k Monthly
  • 1 Dedicated Developer
  • iOS only
  • Existing Range of Motion or Rep Counter Integration

Advanced MVP

New iOS/Android/Web App
$ 15k Monthly
  • 1-2 Dedicated Developers
  • iOS, Android & Web
  • Range of Motion
  • Rep Counters
  • Custom Exercises

MVP Integration

Integrate Pose Estimation into an Existing App
$ 7.5k 1 month
  • 1 Dedicated Developer
  • iOS only
  • Integration of QuickPose SDK

Need a more tailored solution?

At QuickPose, our mission is to build smart Pose Estimation Solutions that elevate your product. Schedule a free consultation with us to discuss your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

An MVP is a simplified version of your app that includes only the core features necessary to validate your concept and gather user feedback. It allows you to test your idea in the market with minimal resources and make data-driven decisions for future development.

The development time for an MVP varies based on the complexity of the project. Our Basic MVP typically takes 1-2 months, while the Advanced MVP and Premium Custom Development packages can take 3-6 months. In our initial consultation we will discuss timelines and deliverables with you to ensure that our project is in-scope and within budget. We work openly and transparently, so you won’t get any surprises. 

We use a range of cutting-edge technologies including AI-driven pose estimation models, iOS and Android development frameworks, and backend integration tools. Specific technologies can be tailored to your project needs.

Yes, we offer customisable solutions to meet your specific needs. Our Premium Custom Development package provides the highest level of customisation, including custom exercises, new models, and additional pose estimation features.

We provide continuous support throughout the development process, including regular updates and feedback sessions. Post-launch, we offer ongoing maintenance, updates, and support to ensure your app continues to perform optimally.

Our services are billed monthly. Once you select a package, you will be directed to a secure payment page where you can complete the transaction. We use Stripe for secure and reliable payment processing.