Ergonomic Assessments & AI is written in text. Image shows a worker lifting a heavy box with bad posture

How can AI Be Used in Ergonomic Assessments? 

AI can significantly enhance ergonomic assessments in the workplace through various applications, leading to more effective identification and mitigation of ergonomic risks. Here are some ways AI can be utilised: Automated Posture Analysis: AI-powered systems can analyse video footage of workers in real-time to identify risky postures and movements that may lead to musculoskeletal disorders…

Image shows text Best AI Fitness Apps 2023 with a woman doing a body weight exercise with mediapipe landmarks on her joints

Best Fitness Apps using AI in 2023

In today’s tech-driven world, even your fitness journey can be personalised and optimised with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI fitness apps are revolutionising the way we exercise, offering tailored workouts, real-time feedback, and progress tracking to help you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.   Here’s a look at some of the top…